I keep having dreams about Robert Downey Jr. Last night's was actually pretty long and involved. I bumped into him at the airport (literally). He was trying to propose to some girl he didn't even know, and with a pinky ring at that. He dropped the ring and I picked it up for him, and we were instant BFFs. Then he missed his train, so I had to help him get to where ever he was going. I made fun of him for having such an old computer (who brings a desktop with them on an airplane? And especially this one?), and for wearing a pinky ring. He let me try it on, which was cool. He ended up spending the weekend at my house, and when he had to leave, I tried to wash all of his dirty tupperware for him, but I only got halfway through because we were going to be late. You'd think RDJ would have enough money to throw out tupperware when he travels. Then we got to the airport and said good bye, knowing we'd never see each other again. And that's the story of how I spent the weekend with my friend Robert.
This got me thinking about how I wish there was a way to record dreams, and decide before you sleep which one you want to watch. Not every night, because everyone needs a little novelty in their life, but as someone who doesn't have good dreams very often, it'd be nice to get a break every now and then. They can track a lot of things in the brain now, so it'll be interesting to see how far technology takes us as far as mind-reading goes. Somehow it'd be nice to know that nothing can really penetrate the mind so much so that we lose all privacy, which I guess negates my Dream DVR idea.
Completely off-topic: I've decided that many New Yorkers are perpetually hungover. More on that theory later when my parents stop reading my blog, ha!
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