Friday, July 13, 2012

this may be the one we've been waiting for

I've been blessed to be able to be in Karuizawa, Japan for a week and a half right now.  It's been AMAZING.  This just happens to be not only the town I was born in, but also where I spent my first year of life and many summer days throughout the rest of my life. 

Since this is my absolute favorite place to run in the whole world, I'm using this week as a little kick-start to getting back into fighting shape.  Between chronic pain from a knee injury, adjusting to a new job and a new city, and a crazy schedule that makes me ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS choose sleep over exercise, I've been on a bit of a fitness hiatus.  The tricky bits about getting back into running are that 1. running isn't really all that fun until a couple weeks in when you no longer feel like you're about to die, 2. running with a bad knee is a delicate process, and 3. bad running form leads to further injury.  Case in point on that last one--during my run the other day, I somehow managed to kick myself in the ankle (yes, kicked myself, you read it right), causing it to bleed.  The even more embarrassing thing about this is that I saw the blood first and couldn't figure out where the cut came from until the second time I kicked myself in the same spot.  At least I wasn't running fast enough for that to cause a full-on face-plant.  And thus starts my most recent running saga.

By the way, if anyone wants to experience the carnage up close, I'm planning to run a 5K race soon, hopefully in September or October, so come run with me :)

1 comment:

  1. ok how did i only JUST read this?! wahaha i can picture you saying all of it. you're such a good writer, Em!!! i miss you! glad you got to be back home for a bit :)
