There's something to be said for good ol' rest. It's pretty great to have my brain in one place for a few days, considering the last several months have been nothing but ping-ponging from New York to LA to San Francisco (oh yeah, and everywhere in between when I'm actually working). I haven't had a proper night's sleep in weeks, thanks to Restless Legs Syndrome and trying to keep everything straight as I move my residence as well as my work base. I've decided there are few things more anxiety-inducing than a constant feeling of I-think-I-might-be-forgetting-something-important.
Anyhow, lessons learned in recent days:
1. RLS is a bitch when you're in Queens and you can't go running at midnight on the track at your perfectly safe, Christian college.
2. It's pretty hard to buy a car when you don't have a car. Think about it.
3. You can break a plastic lawn chair in two to make two plastic lawn chairs and seat two people.
4. Only one person will be comfortable.
5. Easy Mac and tortilla chips make for a perfectly acceptable dinner.
6. Three breweries and two wineries in one week does not make you an alcoholic (or that's what I keep telling myself).
7. Having a sense of direction is more like rolling your tongue than tying your shoes--you can't learn it. You either have the ability or you don't.
8. I seem to attract people who are directionally-challenged.
9. Regressing back to childhood habits when with your family is a very real problem. On an unrelated note, I can still sing man-opera and get stuck talking with about five different accents at once.
10. The people you make time for when you have no time are the ones who matter.
Yeah. Not the most profound list, but it's my blog, and I can write whatever I want.
P.S. If someone could google whether it's illegal to throw something off the balcony of the 35th floor of a hotel or not, that'd be super.
hahaha I love you. :P