Tuesday, April 13, 2010

where the streets have no names

As I rounded the corner I saw a street that looked strangely familiar and thought, "hmmm...pretty sure I've been lost on this street before." Except that it was two years ago, pitch dark, pouring rain, and I ended up hitching a ride with an electrician who passed by in his work van, no doubt on his way to a late appointment. Now THERE'S something that you probably shouldn't try in LA. Well apparently time and experience have improved me, and this time I made it home safely. I terrified myself a little when I got home and saw my reflection in the glass of my front door. Crazy Mad Hatter hair, without the hat to cover it (sidenote: does it seem like there are a lot of semi-crazies with bad red hair? The Mad Hatter, Carrot Top, Ronald McDonald. Coincidence?) This reminded me of a strange experience I had in downtown Tokyo several years ago. I was walking back to the train station after taking my laptop in to get repaired, minding my own business, when a man (in my mind he was a deranged escapee of some underworld asylum), runs up to me, messes up my hair with both his hands, yells "I'm sorry!" in Japanese, then promptly runs off in the opposite direction, leaving me with crazy hair and the stares of about a hundred onlookers who were looking at me with bewildered expressions as though somehow I had done something to bring this about. True story.

On that note, Mayra's Japanese word of the day is I'm sorry: gomen-nasai (or more informally, just gomen).


  1. OH MY GOSH! how have i never heard the crazy man messing up your hair story before? I love reading these em.

    oh and i'm pretty sure you probably shouldn't hitchhike in japan either? :P Actually I'm jealous – hitchhiking is definitely on my bucket list

  2. well actually i think i would've just kept running until i found my way back, but this guy seemed a little concerned about my mental health, seeing as i was running in the dark and the rain to begin with. he probably thought i just got attacked or something and was trying to get away :P
