Saturday, December 17, 2011

Go ahead and vomit from all this optimism

After a LONG hiatus, I've decided. I just can't not run. If my knee is going to hurt almost everyday anyway, I want there to be a damn good reason for it. In that spirit, and armed with my knee brace, I've run three times this week, takin' it slow and steady. Maybe I'll be able to check "half marathon" and "marathon" off my bucket list after all. Keeping my fingers crossed that my knee doesn't get worse (in fact it'd be great if it got BETTER).

I read a book recently that had a section talking about letting yourself pursue the things you love. You don't have to pare down your hobbies just because you feel guilty for not spending time broadening your horizons. While I do believe in the importance of trying new things and constantly growing as a person, I agree that there's nothing wrong with getting lost in something makes your soul content. Try something at least once, give it a chance, but if you hate it, why waste your time waiting for it to grow on you when you are passionate about something else? For me, this means pursuing running (no matter how slow), books, more books, travel, exploring, food, collecting random information, psychology, and art. What are these things for you? In addition, I'm hoping to broaden my horizons within these interests. Maybe for me this means running a 5k soon, being more disciplined about writing regularly, or taking an art class. Those things will take me outside of my comfort zone but in directions I'm interested in.

There's something beautiful about people being enthusiastic about things they love, even when it's something others may ridicule (e.g. my love for the Backstreet Boys). Judy Garland said to "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." So go ahead and be proud of your Star Wars figurines or your John Travolta dance skills (Siobhan Stewart). Okay, I'm done being sappy and inspirational now. Merry December 17th.


  1. Merry December 17th! nobody's requested my dance skills for a long time:(

  2. yes! small steps toward what you love lead to something great!!

  3. i miss your dance skills too, bhannie. also, i love this post emma. so glad you're getting to run again (amongst pursuing other passions)--definitely hoping the knee stops bothering you! xoxo
