Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I've recently realized a life goal of mine. First, I need to memorize and learn the words to every song in existence. Second, I need to learn to read lips. Ultimately, I hope to be able to look at people driving next to me and always know what song they're singing in their cars.

Several days ago, I saw the Google Maps car (okay, probably not the Google Maps car, but one of them anyway). This made me wonder how one manages to get the job of Google Maps Car Driver. Although, as I was looking for a picture of the Google Maps car, I came across this, and in between fits of laughter (yes, I know it's insensitive to the poor deer), have decided that this career path may not be for me. Having my driving blunders semi-permanently recorded for all the world to see isn't very appealing. Sidenote: I just realized that I could possibly be on Google Maps now, which is less than exciting considering people will start finding out about all my shortcuts.

Siobhan Stewart, since this is primarily how we communicate out feelings about each other, I have to tell you that I refuse to erase your number out of my cell phone, though I'm actually causing myself more pain, considering how often I am reminded of the fact that I can't text you absurd things at all hours of the day. Please come back to me.


  1. Emma Cole! I'm pretty sure that the internet is the BEST possible way to communicate feelings. Thank you for not deleting me. Think of it as a downpayment upon my return – eventually I'll be back and then tmobile will give me my number back and we'll room together again and work at jobs we love anddddd

    Sorry this comment is so long. Clearly this wouldn't happen if you blogged more consistently.

  2. Ahhh yes I could blog more consistently, but it seems I prefer to keep my thoughts in my brain. Mostly because when they come out, people will be shocked that I laughed at a dead deer.

    You better come back.

  3. hahhahaha the dead deer made me laugh so hard. i'm pretty sure you'll have an audience for that one – i know so many angry texans who have had cars mauled by deer...

    i'll be back:) and when you least expect it

    ooh the verification word is "Coled"!!!!
