Saturday, June 5, 2010

Personal Injury and Mishap Log, 6/3-6/5

10:32pm. Opened car door on face (possible bruise on chin, will update).
7:28pm. Paper cut on finger from program during graduation ceremony (for the record, did attempt to refuse receipt of said program).
2:11am. Viciously attacked by red cockroach on bed (spent remainder of night sleeping fitfully on sister's bed; possible subsequent attacks thwarted).
6:20pm. Put shirt on inside out and failed to notice for several hours (note to self: college degree was for nothing).
9:14pm. Thumbnail bent backwards by loving mother during an especially animated game of Nertz (bruise already evident).
10:52pm. Burnt on arm by iron (glaring scar, likely to blister; siblings' ears permanently violated).

Better luck tomorrow.

Mayra: Nebusoku = "lacking sleep" (neh-boo-soh-coo).

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha
    this killed me – loove the way you wrote it.

    and it reminded me of rooming with you/knowing you:) "Emma what's that bruise from?" "A tree" "A desk" "My bed" "I don't know"

    I think possibly you are the only person I've ever met who is clumsier than me. Now you need to go find someone worse than you to compare yourself to:)
